Natural & Organic Skincare for babies and children.
Taslie Skin Care Ltd. is a local BC company started by a mum who saw a need for chemical free baby products that use sustainable packaging solutions. Children are less likely to detoxify chemicals from their systems than adults. Their developing organs are more vulnerable to damage from chemical exposure. Our products contain ONLY high quality natural ingredients with NO Sodium Laureth Sulphates,Triclosan, Lanolin, Parabens or Synthetic Colors and Fragrances. We take great pride to create products that are gentle on the most sensitive skin .Our products are biodegradable and specially formulated to cleanse and moisturize with natural & organic ingredients.

Tami Main, Founder of Taslie Skin Care Ltd
All Taslie products are packaged in cute, fun recyclable and biodegradable packaging that appeals to both children and parents alike. We go to great lengths to source out phthalate free plastics, biodegradable gift wrap, FSC and soy printing for our labels and lotion pumps that contain no metal and are completely recyclable. Several of our plastic packages also contains an additive that will allow our bottles and tubes to breakdown in landfill situations. We believe fantastic products are just as important as environmentally friendly packaging solutions for our products.
Taslie Skin Care does NOT test on animals and has been accredited by Choose Cruelty Free in Australia
www.choosecrueltyfree.org.au and we offer full disclosure of all product ingredients listed on our website www.taslie.com. Taslie encourages our customers to research the products they purchase and use on their families. We also believe in giving back to the community and participate in vendor programs at BC Children’s and Women’s Hospitals where partial proceeds are donated to the hospitals. Our products are available in several Naturopath Clinics with new moms and patients coming back repeatedly to purchase our products.
Dr. Sarah Sjovold
“As a naturopathic physician who works with both women and children, I see a myriad of skin complaints in my practice on a regular basis. The skin is the largest organ in the human body, therefore, it is very important that quality skin care products are used on it. Despite the plethora of skin care products on the market today, few of these actually contain 100% pure ingredients; Taslie happens to be one of these few. My choice of using Taslie products on my own skin is a testament to their quality.”