Are you done with feeling unhealthy, unfocused and tired all the time?
Or if you want to level up your health, it’s never been easier!
Pillar #1: Vitamins & Minerals
Your body needs the right nutrients to respond to and adapt to the challenges you place on yourself. A quality multivitamin helps to provide the essential ingredients your body needs to overcome challenges and return to health.
Try Progressive® MultiVitamins. This family of 8 unique formulas fit the needs of your age, gender and activity level! Stay away from “one-size-fits-all” so you can rest assured that your health is covered.
Pillar #2: Essential Fatty Acids
In addition to their heart health benefits, Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary to fight inflammation, maintain brain function and focus, and promote a positive mood so you can stick to your goals with greater ease.
OmegEssential® fish oil by Progressive is exactly what the doctor ordered. It’s pure, potent and highly effective. And perhaps best of all—it tastes great, too!
Pillar #3: Probiotics
Restoring healthy bacteria to your intestinal tract ensures that you are able to digest and absorb your foods and supplements, support your immune function, healthy skin, reduced food allergies and more!
Progressive HCP® Probiotics are 100% human strain to work better with your body. They’re also available in different potencies to better serve your needs:
HCP®70 Billion – for daily protection if you experience regular intestinal upset
HCP®150 Billion – for critical support when you’re suffering with extreme symptoms.
Put these three pillars of health in place so your body can accomplish amazing things this year!