Essential Fatty Acids are exactly that, essential. They are labeled as essential because our body cannot make them, and thus we have to obtain them from our diets.
There are two types of EFAs, they are classified as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Fish oils are a source of omega 3 fatty acids. Other oils, such as flax, hemp, and other oil blends contain a combination of the two. Evening Primrose, Black currant seed, and Borage oils all contain omega 6 fatty acids.
Our Suppliers …
The Vitamins First Calgary retail store carries the following brands of Essential Fatty Acids.
Ascenta is a manufacturer and distributor of high quality natural health products and an industry leader in omega-3 fatty acids. We are headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Pure Check logo guarantees the products have been independently tested and certified for quality, purity and label claims. You can enter your batch number to receive your third party, quality tested results www.ascentahealth.com
Barlean’s are the manufacturers of completely unrefined/unfiltered organic oils, their product logo says it best: “Barlean’s, Pure Natural Oils, Old Fashioned Care” we have a responsibility, to provide you with the absolute finest, freshest and best tasting organic oil that nature has to offer.” Please visit them at www.barleans.com
Carlson produces superior liquid and capsulated Fish Oil products that are fresh, pure, and great tasting sources of EPA and DHA (our healthy omega 3 fatty acids). Visit www.carlsonlabs.com
Efamol has developed a wide range of specialty essential fatty acid formulas spanning a number of key areas of health including the heart, eyes and hormone balance. Check out www.efamol.com for valuable information on the importance of EFAs for optimal health.
Flora is a manufacturer and distributor of a wide variety of nutritional supplements, including ‘Udo’s Ultimate Oil Blend’ and the ‘Floradix Salus Tonics’ from Germany. Visit www.florahealth.com
Health From the Sea recognizes that not all fish oils are created equally. They ensure their oils are free of heavy metal contaminants, PCBs and dioxins. Using fish gelatin for their capsules and the enzyme lipase blended into their encapsulated formulas they offer a unique spin on fish oils. Visit www.healthfromthesea.ca
Living Harvest is a leader in live organic Hemp based supplements and food products. Visit www.livingharvest.com
Mum’s Original makes healthy delicious hemp based products with a “back to basics” approach – sensible food, conscientious farming and wholesome goodness. Mum’s Original’s uses only natural and organic ingredients that are combined to make yummy and nutrient rich foods. They are even more enjoyable now that they are using 100% guilt free eco-packaging. Visit www.mumsoriginal.ca for recipes and more!
Nordic Naturals’ award winning omega oils are available in patented natural fruit flavored capsules in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as great tasting liquids to suit even the most discriminating palate. Visit www.nordicnaturals.com
Omega Nutrition is recognized worldwide as the premium manufacturer of flax and other culinary oil products. Their propietary omegaflo® process ensures the best unrefined, certified-organic oils of premium quality and exceptional taste. Visit www.omeganutrition.com
Progressive Nutritional Therapies offers a variety of nutritional supplements designed to meet unique nutritional demands. This line is manufactured out of Canada and has been formulated by Dr. Mikhael Adams BSc, ND. Visit www.progressivenutritional.com for more information.